16 de September de 2024

Artículos científicos de Mauro Marino Jiménez

Estimados lectores, en esta página se presentarán mis principales artículos científicos. Espero que esta información sea de utilidad.

Marino-Jiménez, M., Jácobo-Morales, D., & Ramos-Rugel, R. (2024). Representation of Andean Communities: Indigenous Cultures and Languages in Peruvian Cinema. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 0(0), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/07256868.2024.2351455

Peru is a country that has a world-renowned cultural heritage.However, there is a set of historical discrimination in differentinstances of society against the indigenous population, theircultural identity, social recognition, and even legal protection.Due to this situation, there have been recent manifestations inthe cinema, television and education products with the purposeof recognizing, integrating and valuing all people and theircultures. This differs significantly from almost all of republicanhistory, characterized by the unilateral representation of theprivileged classes of the Peruvian cities. For that reason, thisarticle analyzes three independent films dedicated torepresentation of Andean characters: Wiñaypacha (‘Eternity’)(2017), Retablo (‘Altarpiece’) (2017), and Willaq Pirqa, el cine de mipueblo (‘Speaking Wall, the cinema of my town’) (2022), whichhave achieved a high degree of acceptance by the public andspecialized critics. The proposal analyzes the recognition andrevaluation of the Andean characters in these films, based on thelinguistic, cultural and social dimensions, and the ideas ofnationhood that are developed discursively and symbolically.

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Marino-Jiménez, M., Rojas-Noa, F., Hernández-Sánchez, K., & Ramírez-Durand, I. L. (2024). Democracy, audiences and challenges for independent journalism in Colombia, Peru and Venezuela: A systemic proposal. Journal Of Applied Journalism & Media Studieshttps://doi.org/10.1386/ajms_00133_1

Democracy is a complex political model. It is constituted through criteria such as the existence of solid institutions, the development of transparent electoral processes, dissemination of political culture, free citizen expression, among others. For this reason, the existence of a wide spectrum of countries with full, deficient, hybrid or authoritarian democratic qualities is plausible. Such is the case of Latin America, a region in which several countries have fallen in the last two groups. For this reason, this article will offer an overview of the situation in three Latin American countries (Colombia, Peru and Venezuela), considering the role of independent journalism, the situation they are going through and their strategies in deficit democracy, hybrid regime and dictatorial situation. For this purpose, system thinking will be used as a way of representing the role with audiences, the plurality of approaches and the credibility of the journalistic function.

Abad-Neyra, S., Marino-Jiménez, M., Córdova-Piscoya, P., & Castro-Terán, Á. (2024). Identity and audiovisual language: the case of autism in film and television in three high-impact products. Journal Of International Communication, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/13216597.2024.2345900

Audiovisual representation models in film and television influence the public constitution of people’s identity and lifestyles. This is particularly important in minority groups or those with some type of disability, since both representation and learning about said condition are assumed by the majority. For this reason, this article analyses the representation of three high-impact audiovisual products: the film Rain Man (1988), the medical drama The Good Doctor (2017) and the legal series Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022), which include autistic protagonists, and assume a certain discourse on this condition in view of the general public. In this sense, the analysis of their content and an opinion survey of a sample of viewers in the Peruvian environment are developed. All this, with the purpose of analysing the degree of representativeness that these audiovisual products have regarding autism, its characteristics and/or the construction of stereotypes.

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Marino-Jiménez, M., Ccoyure-Tito, N., & Fernández-Pozo, E. (2024). Jaime Sabines: The Role of the Everyday and the Mortuary in Diario semanario y poemas en prosa (1961). Symposium A Quarterly Journal In Modern Literatures78(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/00397709.2023.2301606

The poetry of Mexican author Jaime Sabines (1926–1999) is situated within a period of change in Latin America (Cuban revolution, dictatorships, and stylistic changes in literature) that linked the author to colloquialism. According to Cesare Del Mastro, this is a form marked by the use of plain and popular language rather than academicism. Using this style as a platform, two central topics presented in the collection of poems Diario Semanario y poemas en prosa (1961) are addressed in this paper: the everyday and the mortuary. Both are shown as symptomatic expressions of an affront to modernity, with signs of oppression, and the tense relationships and poetic responses are analyzed as a response to deep historical transformations.

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Marino-Jiménez, M., Mayurí-Aguilar, G., & Venegas-Villanueva, E. (2024). Corporate social responsibility in the families of workers: a systemic proposal for Peru. Cogent Social Sciences10(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2024.2330679

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) promotes sustained productivity, attention to the environment, and various improvements in its operations. All this to benefit internal and external customers. However, it is difficult to implement a comprehensive version of CSR in workers, who find obstacles to satisfy an optimal balance between productivity and family life. This has motivated the emergence of the concept of Corporate Family Responsibility (CFR), which formalizes the presence of the CSR in the workers, through processes and transformations within the company. This article carries out a diagnosis of the Peruvian situation around CFR, using the theory of institutional pressures, system thinking, and stakeholder theory, to formulate a functional CFR proposal. Its attributes are coincident with the Great Place to Work (GPTW) indicators in the companies with the highest score.

Marino-Jiménez, M., Ramírez-Durand, I. L., Pareja-Lora, A., & Cieza-Esteban, A. (2024). Research in Latin America: bases for the foundation of a training program in higher education. Cogent Education11(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186x.2024.2319432

Research is a common feature in developed countries. Those who dedicate themselves to this activity produce important tools for individual, community, and national development. However, developing countries suffer the opposite situation. In these nations, little investment is devoted to research, and they lack dissemination mechanisms, while offering few possibilities of capitalizing on its benefits. For this reason, the present study carries out an analysis of the relevance of the research, an establishment of these proposal needs in the Latin American context, and the establishment of the bases for a systemic proposal based on a research training program. In that sense, this proposal takes into account the limited economic resources and the lack of investigative culture in the Latin American territory. It is accompanied by a prototype of the training program, based on good practices and lessons learned so far.

Marino-Jiménez, M., Rojas-Noa, F., Sullón-Acosta, K., & Julca-Estrada, Y. (2024). Education and Technology: Construction of a Distance Education System Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis. International Journal Of Educational Reformhttps://doi.org/10.1177/10567879241230020

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed a multidimensional problem. Added to the health crisis was the lack of social interaction, which directly affected education. Therefore, a number of strategies were required to compensate for the lack of face-to-face learning, considering the fact that most institutions had regulations and practices of that kind. This experience has established the need to develop a systemic approach, in which social interaction mediated by technology is clearly promoted. This work seeks to establish the general lines of future distance education models, considering the adaptations and opportunities that derive from it.

Rodrich‐Portugal, R., Marino‐Jiménez, M., Mayurí‐Aguilar, G., & Abad‐Neyra, S. A. (2023). The purpose of the company beyond its position in the market: The new agent of social development. Business Strategy & Development6(4), 931-941. https://doi.org/10.1002/bsd2.288

The purpose of companies as profit generators has been questioned because of the relationship between strategy and results in the recent systemic crises. Therefore, it is necessary to implement strategies that allow economic sustainability, based on a better relationship with society and the environment. This means turning companies into agents for the development and protection of the community, as well as building trust for their own stakeholders. This article analyzes the bases for the consolidation of a purpose related to these principles, using system thinking for the integrated participation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This strategy allows replicability based on archetypes that explain dynamic relationships in organizations, with the flexibility and openness required to adapt to different contexts.

Marino-Jiménez, M., Flores-Núñez, A., Rojas-Noa, F., & Vásquez-Espinoza, P. (2023). Independent Journalism for Hybrid Democracies: A Systemic Vision in Three Latin American Countries. Journalism Practice, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2023.2279341

Contemporary journalism is facing challenges because several changes in the world: the decline of democracy: the proliferation of false information (both in “official” and informal spaces), the raise (and transformation) of communication agencies with profit priority, and the urgent need to promote educational alternatives for citizenship. For all these reasons, it is necessary the presence of information channels that maintain a balance between the quality of information, economic sustainability, and the promotion of active audiences. This is particularly important when the conditions for the exercise of journalism are facing regimes with conditions of authoritarianism, such as hybrid democracies and authoritarian governments. In this article, success stories of independent journalism in Peru, Honduras, and Mexico will be analyzed, as well as their strategies to guarantee responsible practice and economic sustainability. In this sense, the cases will be analyzed through system thinking, considering the characterization and common elements found in three Latin American hybrid democracies.

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Flores-Núñez, A. M., Marino-Jiménez, M., & Casimiro-Dionicio, R. L. (2023). A study of the neurobiological basis to explain the theories of semantic processes (2002-2022). Literatura y Lingüística47https://doi.org/10.29344/0717621x.47.3351

The study of language, specifically semantic development, has considered the lateralisation of one hemisphere since its discovery by neurologists Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke in the 19th century. However, research conducted in the last decade, based on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), found that language production and comprehension not only involve the left side of the brain but the eloquent areas may also form a large part of the brain mass. This study presents a brief historical account of the neurobiological study of the semantic processes of homo sapiens, with emphasis on the development of changes in the study of semantic processes theory from 2002 onwards. This work considers the latest research completed by the University of Berkeley (Lescroart and Gallant, 2019), which point out the location of semantic maps in the brain, as well as the most recent studies on the construction of figurative meaning in relation to cultural and social processes.

Marino-Jiménez, M., Flores-Núñez, A. M., Rivas-Sucari, H. C., & Vásquez-Espinoza, P. (2023). Myth and Identity: A Compilation of Oral Traditions in a University Context from Peru. Journal Of Intercultural Studies44(6), 833-848. https://doi.org/10.1080/07256868.2023.2229258

Peru is a multicultural country, with a wide wealth of languages and traditions. However, most of the contributions from the Andean and Amazon areas have suffered segregation by members of the majority culture, represented by the Spanish language and centralised in the coastal cities. For this reason, migration to these territories has included the concealment of the mother tongue, cultural mimicry and the loss of identity values. For this reason, this study seeks to achieve the opposite effect: to revalue the Quechua language through the presentation and compilation of oral myths from different Andean localities, thanks to the conception, performance and style of a group of students of the Beca 18 program at a private university from Lima. This means revaluing the cultural elements that are part of the identity of these students, specifying the activity as a form of cultural strengthening, and recovering the myth as a manifestation of oral literature in the Peruvian environment, as well as in the official spaces of culture majority.

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Venegas-Villanueva, E., Rodrich-Portugal, R., & Marino-Jiménez, M. (2023). Social responsibility and business reputation: The case of Industrias San Miguel. Journal Of Foodservice Business Research, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/15378020.2023.2227122

The strategies of many companies have been established in a linear course. They focus on aspects related to the dissemination of their products, attracting more customers and increasing profits. These work systems, focused on short-term gains, can have an immediate favorable result; however, they are quickly restricted in their development and with an eventual erosion of their corporate reputation. The case of Industrias San Miguel (ISM), a Peruvian nonalcoholic beverage company with international projection, is different: an approach linked to Social Responsibility is evident, establishing priorities in a balanced way in the economic, environmental, educational and Social aspects. In this article, the processes that generated the Social Responsibility and Communication Plan (SRCP) are analyzed, considered as a key factor for the resurgence of this important undertaking, which has been placed in a privileged space of business reputation.

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Marino-Jiménez, M., & Ramírez-Rodríguez, L. (2022). Análisis sistémico de la educación a distancia escolar peruana en el entorno de la COVID-19. American Journal Of Distance Education36(2), 150-165. https://doi.org/10.1080/08923647.2022.2073745

La crisis mundial de la COVID-19 ha puesto en evidencia un conjunto de desafíos en la salud, la economía y la educación. Si bien algunas de las actividades productivas pudieron mantenerse a través del uso racional de la tecnología digital, el carácter social y formativo de la educación escolar es un asunto particularmente complejo. Se requiere de numerosos procesos, que incluyen un cambio metodológico basado en una educación a distancia (ED); el desarrollo de la institucionalidad e infraestructura digital; la consonancia con las necesidades particulares y culturales de los estudiantes; y un dominio competitivo de las herramientas disponibles por parte del cuerpo docente. Por todo ello, el presente artículo desarrolla una reflexión sobre el diagnóstico actual de la educación escolar peruana, con el propósito de explicitar la problemática desde una visión sistémica, y formular mejoras para escenarios presentes y futuros.

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Marino-Jiménez, M., Rojas-Noa, F., & Morán-Ramos, D. (2022). Andean cultural heritage: a systemic analysis of Peruvian museums for their representation, preservation, dissemination and sustainability. DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory Of Open Access Journals)https://conservation-science.unibo.it/article/view/15248

The Andean territory contains a unique cultural wealth, made up of the pre-Columbian legacy, colonial heritage and the syncretism that was subscribed from these historical processes up until the republican era. Additionally, its geographical, climatic and natural diversity have historically contributed to the various practices, products, creations and compilations that stand out for their high degree of international admiration, linguistic richness and identity representativeness [1-3].

Marino-Jiménez, M., Harman-Canalle, U., & Alvarado-Choy, F. (2020). La educación a distancia desde el pensamiento sistémico: una mirada necesaria para los actores del centro educativo de nivel superior. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior, 183-197. https://doi.org/10.22201/iisue.20072872e.2020.32.821

La evolución de la educación a distancia (ED) ha satisfecho diversas necesidades educativas, gracias al progreso tecnológico, iniciativas docentes en la educación superior e investigación educativa. Sin embargo, en la ED confluyen múltiples relaciones entre las capacidades, formas de aprendizaje, participación en la toma de decisiones de los actores y agentes involucrados, normas y valores, entre otros. En tal sentido, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo evidenciar la complejidad de las relaciones entre los elementos del sistema de ED a través del pensamiento sistémico. Esto permitirá explicar por qué la gestión de la ED en centros educativos de educación superior no siempre ha tenido los resultados esperados, y reflexionar sobre la toma de decisiones bajo este marco de referencia.

Hernández, R., Marino-Jiménez, M., Rivero Forton, Y., & Sánchez, N. (2020). Research in University Students: Real Needs for the Implementation of a Formative Research Program. Academia, 0(20-21), 154-176. https://doi.org/10.26220/aca.3445

Research is an important part of professional education, development and improvement, whose results are observed in the socioeconomic development of a country. This is evidenced in the investment of resources made by developed countries to carry out this activity and the increase of their knowledge production. However, this situation is not the same in Latin America. Although the current legal framework recognizes the importance of research, its implementation process is still emerging. This encourages higher education centers to look for strategies to improve students’ research skills during undergraduate and postgraduate studies. This study is aimed at making a diagnosis of the research awareness of the entrants to a private university in Lima as a starting point for the implementation of a future formative research program. Data were obtained from a 22 item Likert-type questionnaire with scores based on a 5-point scale applied to a sample of 193 selected students. Among the main findings, we identified a difference between the high interest in research and the low level of knowledge about its practice. Subtler results could be obtained by observing generational aspects (greater interest is expressed among younger ones) and the familiarity of Social Sciences and Humanities students with tools related to scientific writing.